French Themed Evening

French Themed Evening


Join Friends of Crossroads on July 28th at 3:30pm for a French themed evening starting with a guided tour at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture's new Julia Child Exhibition, followed by dinner at Can Can Brasserie at 5:00pm! 

Please note: admission to this event is limited. Upon sign up, your attendance at both the tour and dinner is expected. Admission to the exhibition is a discounted rate of $12/person. You will be responsible for your own check at Can Can Brasserie.

About the Exhibition: Julia Child’s insatiable curiosity and tenacious spirit drove her to endlessly try, test, prove and communicate how to make delicious food. Learning to cook empowered Julia and she in turn empowered others, profoundly transforming American cuisine and food culture. Julia Child: A Recipe for Life explores the key ingredients that led to Julia’s personal evolution and America’s culinary revolution.

Visitors will journey through Julia’s life, as she explored the world and discovered her sense of curiosity including the moment that ignited her love for French cuisine and inspired her career.

At the heart of the exhibition, Julia’s passion for teaching is explored through her meticulous process of recipe development for Mastering the Art of French Cooking and The French Chef, culminating with her legacy of inspiring chefs of all levels.

Key Experiences:

  1. Interactive "The French Chef" television set
  2. Video, audio, and photography documenting Julia, her distinctive voice, and her extraordinary contributions to the culinary world
  3. Sounds and smells of Julia’s kitchen
  4. Visitors can view and share memories of Julia’s legacy

Learn more:

Collection: Under $100

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