Hennessy, Tom Title: First Light on the Sound
Hennessy, Tom Title: First Light on the Sound
Hennessy, Tom Title: First Light on the Sound
  • Hennessy, Tom Title: First Light on the Sound
  • Hennessy, Tom Title: First Light on the Sound
  • Hennessy, Tom Title: First Light on the Sound

Hennessy, Tom Title: First Light on the Sound


Tom Hennessy

First Light on the Sound

12 x 18", framed to 18 x 24 x 1.5"

Photography on Paper



On a very calm morning I photographed a bald cypress as the sun was just beginning to rise behind so while the tree was still in shade it was starting to illuminate the water further out in the sound.

Artist's Statement:

“When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else.” - Georgia O’Keefe

Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in.” - Amy Lowell

These quotations are not from photographers, but from a painter and a poet. My approach to photography is very much influenced by writers, poets and painters, and I especially love the work of Georgia O’Keefe and Edward Weston. I want the beauty of the natural world to be captured in my photos and I want to show the details that we easily overlook in daily life. It is common to see flowers in a garden, and there is much to admire in a well laid out garden. But, to me, the essence is in often in the details of the individual flowers - the slowly opening petals of a rose; the colors and flair of a calla lily blossom; the dewdrops on the petals of a dahlia. These are the images that excite me to make my photographs.

Collection: $200 to $300

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